[SANOG] Your Input Needed: Can ROA Replace LOA? – Short Survey (7 mins)

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Thu Nov 16 04:05:13 UTC 2023

> Thanks Randy, yes I read that paragraph and found it accurate in terms
> of business decisions, no technology can trump that :) but still wants
> to understand if these decisions are based on certain legal practices
> or just because its been happening like this.

it is because

   There is a false notion that Internet Number Resources (INRs) in the
   RPKI can be associated with the real-world identity of the 'holder'
   of an INR.  This document specifies that RPKI does not associate to
   the INR holder.

it is not an accident that the title of RFC 9255 is "The 'I' in RPKI
Does Not Stand for Identity."

that an AS RPKI resources has signed some blob gives ZERO, again ZERO,
information or assurance that any real world entity signed it.


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